Archive Articles

Archive Articles

Volume 2, Issue 2

Research Article Published: 30 October 2023

Concurrent finding of Breast cancer and axillary Lymph nodes in Receptor Positive Patients

Vinod Kumar Singhal,Mohammad Merajuddin,Raafat Samuel Fares,Adil Mohammed Suleman,Nufra Senopher Mohamed Sarfraz,Hatem Moussa Faris Dawood Al Aswad,Vidher V V Singhal,Umm Heba Asif

case report article Published: 21 August 2023

Bilateral Pleural Chylothorax from A Blunt Chest Trauma

Skender Buci,G. Bushi,E. Markeci

case report Published: 31 July 2023

Gallbladder Ectopia: A Rare Case

Al Bryndon Tade Castillo

Editorial Letter Published: 26 July 2023

Unravelling the Intricacies of Post-Surgical Cardiovascular Emergencies-A Comprehensive Analysis

Vismit Munesh Gami,Jugal Shah,Prutha Jadav,Rutu Brahmbhatt,Viajkhora Muhammed Abdul Rashid,Abdul Rashid,Krutarth Chuahan,Chirag Adhyaru,Deep Mehta,Dev Desai

Research Published: 17 July 2023

Efficacy of the use of Cervical Epidural Anesthesia in Shoulder Girdle Surgery

Yuliel Varona Rodriguez,Liliam Maria Castillo Manresa