
There are plenty of views on plagiarism and people say that it is about copying, borrowing someone else's ideas. However, we would like to say that these are not the perfect terms to define plagiarism. The experts have to say that the precise meaning of plagiarism is to steal someone else's ideas and pass them off as your own. It is about using someone else's published material but without crediting the source. A perfect idea of plagiarism is when you commit library theft. The law states that the expression of original ideas can be registered as intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws. A scenario where you change original words, but maintain sentence structure, but do not give credit is termed plagiarism. BioRes Scientia has been sourcing medical research content but has stayed clear of plagiarism. We do not hesitate to reject full plagiarism articles and make it a point to even inform the author. There could be a few sentences identified as plagiarism and in such a scenario the research work is sent for revision. In case, there are figures and tables lifted from published sources, it is cited to avoid copyright-related legal hassles. All the new submissions are checked for plagiarism in the first step and only the plagiarism free content are moved to the next step.

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