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Reviewers Guidelines

BioRes Scientia follow rapid double blinded peer review process where authors and reviewers details are maintained confidential. Once the article is submitted to the corresponding journal, it will be assigning to editorial board members of that journal and after checking from editor whether manuscript is within scope of journal and invite reviewers depending on area of expertise and knowledge. Once the reviewer comments are received, it will be notified to authors to make modifications accordingly. After submission of revised manuscript by authors will be sent back again to check the amendments upon final decision will be taken for acceptance by the handling editor.

Instructions for the Reviewer

  • Reviewers should respect the privacy and confidentiality of the authors and do not disclose the manuscript information.
  • Reviewers should not use the content and information for their own benefit or share with any other individual or organization.
  • Reviewers must agree to review the assigned manuscript only if they have expertise in the subject area adequate for accurate assessment and give a constructive report.
  • Ensure that all authors have equal opportunity to publish and their origin, ethnicity, race, religion, gender or political beliefs do not influence the peer review process.
  • Reviews should be based on materiality, integrity, scientific strength, potential interest, completeness, clarity and ethics in the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should inform if they are involved in the submitted work in any manner and decline to review the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should inform the Editor if the manuscript has been already reviewed by them for any other journal or publication group and seek guidance whether to carry further or not.
  • Reviewers should notify the Editor instantly if they found any partial or whole information in the manuscript is plagiarized or infringed.
  • Reviewers must notify the Editor if they have any concerns in the study, ethical aspects or misconduct in the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should not attempt to communicate with the authors regarding the manuscript without the permission from the Editor.

Important Notes

Please acknowledge immediately whether you can serve as a Reviewer or not. If you do not have the content or subject expertise to handle the review process completely, reject it.

Reviewers are given week days to submit their review reports.

Editor will take a complete decision on the manuscript even if at least two reviews were received within the time-frame regardless the third Reviewer's report.

Contact the Editor for any additional required documents in support to the submitted manuscript.

Please, keep a copy of the review comments document for your future reference in case a revision is submitted by the author.

Kindly respond immediately with required info and review comments whenever the Editor contacts you for the post review process regarding the reviewed manuscript. Please be conscious of the journal policies, regulations and guidelines.