Author Guidelines

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BioRes Scientia Journals accept original research articles, reviews, communications, cases reports, case studies, opinions, editorials, perspectives and letters for publication. Authors are requested to follow the guiding principles before submission of the articles to the BioRes Scientia journals.

Here we listed some quick links based on author requirements

Article Submission

BioRes Scientia Journals accept research articles, reviews, mini reviews, communications, cases reports, case studies, opinions, editorials, perspectives, commentaries and letters for publication. Articles submitted to the particular journal must and should fit within the scope of the journal.

  •  Authors can submit the article through the online web portal
  •  Authors are acknowledged within 2 working days upon the initial submission of Manuscript
  •  Authors please make sure that the article submitted for publication is not under consideration or submitted elsewhere simultaneously

Principles to be followed for writing your article

Accompanying word processor file formats are acceptable for the manuscript Biores Scientia journals: Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX).

Article should be self-possessed in the sequence like: title, list of authors, affiliations of the authors, author order, correspondence of the article, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, text, methods, references, Supplementary Information line (if at all), acknowledgements, author commitments, author data (containing data deposition statement, competing interest declaration and corresponding author line), tables and figure legends.

Author Affiliation

Authors should disclose their affiliations like name, affiliation, institution, university, city, state, country.

Corresponding Author

Details should include name, affiliation, institution, university, city, state, country, Telephone, Fax and E-mail. The editorial office will communicate with the corresponding author and publisher/editor/reviewer/editorial staff is not in authority disputes amongst authors. Equal contribution, equal correspondence must be stated in the article.


The Abstract should be informative and as brief as possible on the study, validate noteworthy information, and attention to significant findings and conclusions. Moreover, abstract is only part of the article in which several persons who reads are attentive in, therefore, authors need to ensure that the abstract is precise. In most of the cases the data specified in the abstract and the text varies, hence, the authors are mandatory to cautiously go over the abstract to confirm that the data is consistence in the both the places i.e in abstract and text. Abstract may as well edit the content in 100-150 words. References nor citations must not to be merged in this section. Abstract put up study contextual, Aim, methods, results and conclusion.


4-8 catchphrases. Research articles, reviews and case studies should have a list of keywords that are used repeatedly in the article. (They should be separated with semicolon e.g., Hormones; Histogenesis; Organogenesis


Use of standard abbreviation in scientific articles is highly endorsed and valued. Each mentioned abbreviation should be expended properly. Title should not contain any abbreviations, if so, must be expended.

Nomenclature And Measurements

  •  SI method is highly recommonded to present the units
  •  Binomial nomenclature is widely using and recommended to present the microorganisms, plants and animals
  •  DDBJ/Genebank accession numbers should be used for gene sequesnces and aminoacid sequences

Manuscript Title

The title should be a brief catchphrase representing the contents of the article. Title should not contain any abbreviations, if so, must be expended.


It may as well reflect to quality of the article. It should provide a realistic delivery of study, the appropriate literature on the topic, and the projected methodology or result. It needs to attract the viewer’s attention from wide reach of scientific disciplines.

Materials And Methods

It should encompass the complete outline of the study. The details of materials or members, evaluations, description of involvements and types of investigations are to be included. Advanced trials should be stated evidently and specific variations of published techniques are to be cited briefly

The Methods section should be subdivided based on the research work by sub headings and sub-sub headings denoting to the methods applied, subsections for statistics, reagents and animal models are also considered. A clear statement of approval from the institutional/ university/ national ethical committee should be obtained in case of animal/human subjects are used in the experiments. A recordkeeping ID/number should be furnished for the clinical trials on human subjects. There must to be no repetition between the Methods section and the Supplementary Information if provided with.


Units might as well have a single space between the number and the unit, and follow SI nomenclature or the terminology regular to a specific field.

Results And Discussion

It should furnish the complete specifics of experimentations that support the conclusion. Results and Discussions may be merged or separated as a segment. Assumption and descriptive scrutiny of information are not to be unified in the results section, but can be included in the part of discussion.


It take in confirmation of individuals, grant particulars, funds or resources, and conflict of interest. Author should acknowledge the author contributions such design, data collection, preparation of article should be mentioned. All listed authors are in authority for the content and subsequent revisions of the article. Financial support from the university/ institute/ public/ private sectors should be stated in the manuscript. Complete information of funding source including a grant number and grant holder name must be stated. Grantees from NIH/WELCOME trust may the final accepted article for inclusion in PMC public access repository (


Apendex or supplementary data should be submitted in a separate file and cited in the text of the article. Supplementary data may include figures, tables and text with citation which supports the study. An exceptional link will be provided to the supporting information on the journal web page and is not charged.

Figures And Tables

Figures and tables should be submitted as individual files. Authors required to make sure that all figures and tables must have a legend and are cited in the text in a consecutive order. All submitted figures must be in high resolution and .jpg or .tiff format. Tables should not be in image or figure format. Scanned images/ figures with copyrights are not accepted for publication. In case of reuse of published figure/table authors need to provide the copyright permission from the publisher and or cited properly in the article.


The text contained within each article should be maintained with appropriate references in a consecutive order ensure that the references are up-to-date and cited correctly. Authors are requested to submit the references in prescribed format.


Authors need to transfer the copyrights to the publisher as soon as the article accepted for publication under relevant license which permits to distribute, reprocess and or reprint of the published work. Under the license the transfer of rights includes material such as tables, figures, supplementary data and any part of the article can be reused. Authors retain patent, trademark, and IP rights including the original findings of their work.

In case of replica of any published work or a part of it such as figures/tables/text, etc corresponding author is a reliable person to obtain the copyrights from the previous publisher. It is obligatory to state the copyright transference evidence wherever necessary and make sure that cited properly.


In science publication, it is preferable to authenticate errors are quite common; however, should not disturb the exactness and or systematic quality of the journal. In any cases scientific misconduct and errors in experimental methodology also not acceptable in publication. To maintain the journal quality, the editors of Biores Scientia journals follow an internationally accepted retraction policy. When authors fail to observe the ethical code, when found any plagiarised or copied content in the published article will be subjected to retract. A notification will be published on the website with reasons. Citation and web link is available on the retraction note. In case of high degree of discussion on a published article, letters will be published to exchange the matter.


Erratum section includes a note of corrections at different construction levels in a published article will be provide in the succeeding issue of the journal. In this section only writing errors, editing and typesetting errors, mistakes in tables and figures will be corrected and published.


Corrigendum encompasses corrections submitted by the authors in published article are corrected and published, Author must ensure that these corrections should not modify the results nor conclusion of the published article. Any errors in units of measurements, misidentification of strains, authorship, affiliations, etc are considered to change only when corresponding author send a statement to the editorial office with list of corrections and an attached document with the all co-authors approval for the changes.