Archive Articles

Volume 2, Issue 3

case report Published: 26 July 2023

Multiple Polycystic Organs in A Middle Age Female: A Rare Case of More Than Ten Years Without Surgical Intervention

Randa Zaki A M Khair,MohamedToum Musa M Ibrahim

case report Published: 24 July 2023

A Vaccine for HIV

Alan Kleinman

Research Published: 17 July 2023

A Rare Case of Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumor

Yapa Wijeratne,Chintana Hapuachchige,Madara Ojithmali,Namal Wickramasinghe,Sanjaya Nagasinghe

Research Published: 26 June 2023

Post-Traumatic Feelings of Vulnerability, Psychological Disability, And Connection to Others in Victims of the 2016 Seka Train Derailment in Cameroon

Goula Tojuin Boris,Ngeh David Nkarnyu

Case report Published: 16 June 2023

The Aesthetic Restoration of Missing Anterior Teeth with A Dmls Prosthesis-A Case Report

Nikhil Vitthal Dayama,Mariyam Ali,Pratibha Katiyar,Neeranshi Swaroop,Asra Ahmed,Mirza Hamza Baig