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Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Research

Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Research is a peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal providing rapid publication across the breadth of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism research. The journal considers articles and reviews which focus on the clinical and scientific aspects of endocrinology, the clinical application of molecular endocrinology, diabetes care and clinical management. It also welcomes work on new or existing diabetes therapies, including dietary, exercise and lifestyle (non-pharmacological) interventions, in any aspect of metabolic and endocrine disease, either in humans or animal and cellular systems. Metabolism’ may relate to lipids, bone and drug metabolism, or broader aspects of endocrine dysfunction. Preclinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetic studies, meta-analyses and papers addressing drug safety and tolerability are also welcomed.

Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Research, we aim to be a truly global forum for research, and we think that the best research should be published and made widely accessible as quickly as possible. We advocate the principles of sound science publishing. We only accept papers where the conclusions are substantiated by the data presented, while deemphasizing the importance of novelty. If the science is reliable and sound, we will publish. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism publishes original papers submitted directly to the journal.

In order for research to advance, negative results, which often make a valuable contribution to the field, should be published. However, articles containing negative or null results are frequently not considered for publication or rejected by journals. We welcome papers of this kind, where appropriate and valid power calculations are included that give confidence that a negative result can be relied upon.

Articles published in Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Research are subjected to rigorous peer review and revision process before being accepted for publication, to maintain quality and the standards set for academic journals. This Journal ensures the barrier-free distribution of its content through online free access and thus helps in improving the citations for authors and attaining a good impact factor.

Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Research will feature original research, review papers, clinical studies, editorials, expert opinion and perspective papers, commentaries, and book reviews.

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