Current Issues

Volume 3, Issue 3

Research Article Published: 03 June 2024

Visually Impaired Women and Employment in Cameroon

Goula Tojuin Boris,Maingari Daouda,Youwa Rikiatou Mfouapon,Yone Wabo Sandrine Natacha

Research Article Published: 17 May 2024

The Characteristics of Physical Self of College Students and the Main Demographic Factors

Hou Yongmei,Rao Yumin

Research Article Published: 22 April 2024

Twice-Exceptional Students and their Challenges

Julia Koifman

Research Article Published: 17 April 2024

Preschool Teachers Perception and Practices about Children Learning through Socio-Dramatic Plays in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia

Getahun Asemaregn,Yosef Bisetegn

Research Article Published: 17 April 2024

Prevalence of Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections and Associated Factors among Mental Illness Patients Attending Psychiatric Clinics at Arba Minch, Sawla and Jinka General Hospitals, Southern Ethiopia, 2022/2023

Aschalew Kidanewold,Birhanu Alamirew,Dagninet Alelign,Birhanu Genanew,Yididiya Alemayehu