Unraveling The Enigma: A Case Study on Goiter’s Unforeseen Cause and Holistic Recovery Through Spiritual, Psychological, And Homeopathic Integration

Case Report

Unraveling The Enigma: A Case Study on Goiter’s Unforeseen Cause and Holistic Recovery Through Spiritual, Psychological, And Homeopathic Integration

  • Sabita Sinha

Clinical Psychologist, Marital counselor, Homeopathy Practitioner, Spiritual healer, Karnataka, India.

*Corresponding Author: Sabita Sinha,Clinical Psychologist, Marital counselor, Homeopathy Practitioner, Spiritual healer, Karnataka, India.

Citation: Sinha S. (2024). Unraveling the Enigma: A Case Study on Goiter’s Unforeseen Cause and Holistic Recovery through Spiritual, Psychological, and Homeopathic. Integration. International Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, BioRes Scientia Publishers. 3(2):1-9. DOI: 10.59657/2837-8172.brs.24.049

Copyright: © 2024 Sabita Sinha, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: March 05, 2024 | Accepted: March 26, 2024 | Published: March 28, 2024


Homeopathy is a 200 years old holistic approach, which claims that our body has its own healing mechanism. People who have strong immune system can fight against external factors and same formula worked wonder during corona pandemic. German Physician Samuel Hahnemann was the first person to introduce holistic approach of homeopathy in 1976. Homeopathy works in root cause and boost our immune system to make a strong shield towards external factors. All of our body organs are connected with each other with connective tissues. So, when we have disorder in one of our organs, it affects other organs also. When we take homeopathy medicine, it goes in deep and looks for all possible causes and repairs them. As a result, when it is curing the thyroid issue, at the same time it cures other glands also which got disturbance because of this thyroid gland malfunction. Gestalt psychology is a school of psychology founded by Max Wertheimer in 1912. Central idea of this school is to concentrate on whole rather than its parts. Every human is unique and same disease may not manifest to everyone because of same cause. When allopathic medicine concentrates only in particular organ, homeopathy works in a different way. It goes beyond the cause and explores all possible causes and tries to figure out the exact cause. Spirituality is the journey towards our self-realization, self-improvement and make our soul to reach its highest version. This article is all about case study of steady recovery of goiter applying the philosophy of Spirituality, Gestalt psychology and holistic approach of homeopathy.

Keywords: gestalt psychology; goiter; auto-immune disease; stress; spirituality; homeopathy


Every year, people all over the world suffer from thyroid malfunctions. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland positioned at the base of the neck, just below the Adams apple. Goiter is an abnormal growth of the thyroid gland. It can be diffusive, one side nodular or multi nodular. In most cases, the thyroid gland grows interiorly. Let us cite how the thyroid gland works. Thyroid=T3+T4+TSH. Triiodothyronine (T3) is a thyroid hormone that plays a vital role in the body’s metabolism. T4 (thyroxin) is important for mood, body temperature, and controlling metabolic rate. Pituitary glands make TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). TSH gives signal to thyroid about how much it needs to make. So, when we see an imbalance or malfunction in these 3 hormones, it leads to thyroid malfunction and has negative effects in other organs as well. Thyroid function is very much connected with the liver, cholesterol, insulin, and so on. It has been found that 90% of the patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or goiter have developed a cholesterol issue.

We can develop goiter in 3 scenarios




If this is the scenario, it is called hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's hypothyroidism with vitamin D deficiency (auto-immune disease). Generally, we may not see vitamin D deficiency in normal hypothyroidism. However, if we have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism with vitamin D deficiency, it is called Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.




If this is the scenario, it is called hyperthyroidism or Graves’s disease with vitamin D deficiency (auto-immune disease). Generally, we may not see vitamin D deficiency in normal hyperthyroidism. However, if we have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism with vitamin D deficiency, it is called Graves’s disease.



TSH=Normal or high or low

If this is the scenario, it is called a nontoxic goiter. We may see sudden enlargement of the thyroid gland, whereas T3, T4, and TSH may come in the normal range. It is asymptomatic and manifests all of a sudden.

Iodine deficiency is the main cause of goiter. When we don’t get a sufficient amount of iodine in our diet, the thyroid gland grows in order to get iodine from outside.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

Calcium deficiency



Dry skin

Weak muscle

Put on weight

Puffy face

Hair fall

Changes in menstrual cycle

Cold intolerance


Memory loss

Swelling on ankle, carpal bone

Vitamin D deficiency

Jaundice because of high bilirubin

Tongue or mouth ulcer

Loss of appetite

Calf muscle pain

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism or Graves’ disease

Heartbeat increases

Weight loss

Increased appetite

Diarrhea or more frequent bowel movement

Vision problem

Thin, warm and moist skin

Effect on menstrual cycle

Intolerance of heat and excessive sweat

Sleep issues

Bulging of eyes (seen with Graves’ disease)

Muscle weaknesses

Vitamin D deficiency

Enlarged thyroid or goiter

Symptoms of nontoxic goiter



Hoarseness of voice because of mechanical compression of laryngeal nerves by the nearby huge goiter

Throat infection

Throat is full of cough

Morning cough is little radish, yellowish, blackish.

Hacking cough

Shortness of breath

We may see one side nodule or multi nodule

Issue with swallowing food

Every human is unique. It is not always mandatory that everyone manifest the same symptoms. People with vitamin D deficiency are prone to develop auto-immune disease.

Auto-immune disease is a condition when our immune system attacks our own body parts or organs, suspecting them to be foreign particles. In this case, we have to first control our auto-immune disorder and then treat a particular issue.

So, we must be careful about any thyroid related issues and start treatment immediately for a better result. Well, we do not have any permanent solution in allopathic treatment except thyroid nodule pinhole collimator solution, and at last it ends up with thyroid surgery. Again, thyroid surgery is not the solution, where we remove the whole thyroid gland and try to figure it out.

However, problems persist because of its long-awaited effect on other glands. As a result, we can see that after removing the thyroid gland completely, a few thyroid patients still complain about thyroid issues. However, we do have a permanent solution to the thyroid issue with the holistic approach of homeopathy. Well, it depends on the case and how long it will take to get a complete recovery. When the issue is just diagnosed and not manipulated by other medicines, it can give a positive result within a few months.

Who are in risk to develop thyroid malfunction

Most females are more likely to develop thyroid function than men. However, it doesn’t mean that babies or men will not develop thyroid malfunction. We will try to note down a few factors that may influence thyroid malfunction, including

Auto-immune disease

If someone has type1 diabetes, which is called an autoimmune disease, they may develop another auto immune disease like Hashimoto's hypothyroidism or Graves’ disease. Well, not only type 1 diabetics, but type 2 diabetics may catch thyroid malfunction because of insulin resistance.

Relationship between thyroid, cholesterol and blood sugar

Clinical evidence shows that people who are diagnosed with blood sugar or thyroid malfunction end up with cholesterol issues, and sometimes they may develop all together. When we do a physical examination for whole-body for a thyroid or diabetes mellitus type 2 patients, we can see they have high triglyceride TG, or high LDL cholesterol.

Sedentary lifestyle

1)Thyroid malfunction is more or less a lifestyle-change disease. Today, we live a sedentary life and mostly depend on sitting posture for long periods of time. It may be for a professional sitting job or at home. 

2)Once in a blue man, we do exercise or may not do it. Our body is like a machine, and the more it is in active mode, the more it serves. When we do not engage in activities, our body organs get dull and do not function properly. As a result, we invite obesity, which is the storehouse of metabolic diseases like thyroid malfunction, insulin resistance, cholesterol, heart attack and so on.

4) Newborn babies whose mothers are thyroid-affected may develop hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. It may pass through blood or breastfeeding. A mother’s thyroid-related drug may also affect the growth of the baby. So sometimes babies born from thyroid-affected mothers are advised not to breastfeed the babies to control it from passing on to babies to a certain extent.

5) Pregnant women may develop thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, when the baby starts getting towards the end of the growth and development process and is almost there to exit the external world, it creates pressure inside the internal organs of the mother. So, we can see changes and hormonal imbalances in the mother’s body. Sometimes it may elevate blood pressure, insulin levels, and TSH levels. However, after delivery, everything seems to be normal again. In certain cases, after delivery, a few hormones stay at elevated level and do not come back to normal. This is the turning point, where almost all pregnant women develop thyroid or goiter issues.

6) Stress is a major contributor to thyroid dysfunction. Cortisol resistance may lead to the manifestation of a variety of diseases. It may elevate our blood pressure level; manipulate insulin activity, improperly function in cardiovascular activity, and have detrimental effects on our mental health, social, emotional, financial, and professional lives.

7) Iodine and selenium deficiency in the diet contributes to thyroid malfunction.

8) Age above 40 is more prone to develop thyroid malfunction. Women in menopause may also develop thyroid issue because of imbalance in sudden mental and physical shift of hormones.

9) Exposure to the cold for a long time may develop bacterial or viral infection, which may lead to thyroiditis or inflammation of the thyroid.

10) People with Vitamin D and calcium deficiency are more prone to develop thyroid malfunction.

11) Family history of thyroid also plays vital role to develop thyroid malfunction.

12) People who are on medication for a long time for life-threatening diseases like cancer, AIDS, and brain tumors may develop thyroid malfunction. It is because of the negative effects of steroid medicines on the thyroid or other glands. Radiotherapy may expose patients to thyroid malfunction.


It is always said that precaution is better than cure. Well, nobody wishes to get sick. If this is a proven proverb, we must take care of our health. We may recover our other losses, but once health is gone, it is gone forever. So, we must follow a few strict rules for our health. We cannot predict any disease that will happen because nothing is in our hands. Sometimes, after following a healthy lifestyle, we may also end up with a few unpredictable diseases. However, we can try to prevent these kinds of diseases and live a healthy life. 

We will point out few important things to prevent us from thyroid malfunction

1)We can add daily 30-minute exercise and 30-minute walk to our everyday routine. It will make us fit, and our body organs will work fine. As a result, we can anticipate a healthy life.

2)Once in a year doing whole body checkup mean a lot for our healthy body. Since all of our body parts are connected with each other, we can check what’s going on inside and take preventive measures with medication

3)Since women are more prone to develop thyroid malfunction, we must take care of women in 3 particular stages like puberty, pregnancy and in menopause. During pregnancy doing essential body checkup and after delivery doing another whole-body checkup may leave us a clue for us about our body function.

4)We should take special care for babies who are born from thyroid affected mother. Because chances are there those babies may develop thyroid gland malfunction by birth or after few days of birth.

5) Since women are more prone to develop thyroid malfunction, we must take care of women in 3 particular stages like puberty, pregnancy and in menopause. During pregnancy doing essential body checkup and after delivery doing another whole-body checkup may leave us a clue for us about our body functions.

6)We must take care of vitamin and mineral deficiencies like Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and other Vitamins and minerals like Zinc, Magnesium. Selenium is an important natural mineral for our body. It helps us to protect respiratory function, fertility, reproductive and thyroid function and it has the ability to fight against infection. Dry fruits like almond, Brazil nut, walnut, pistachio, cashew nut all these dry fruits are loaded with calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and so on. We must checkout our proper iodine intake also.

7) Thyroid play’s vital role in case of miscarriage, infertility, PCOS and PCOD cases. So, we must do regular checkup and work on root cause of it and stay healthy.

8) Meditation is a wonderful technique to keep us safe from mental, physical, emotional and social vulnerability. Meditation makes our soul, body and mind gets aligned and it does miracle to overall growth in our life, not only in physical health. 

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting works like magic to recover from any kind of diseases. It doesn’t mean that for 24 hours we will stay without eating anything. We have to finish our dinner at a fixed time, like 7 p.m., and the next morning we can have breakfast after 7 a.m. When our body rests for 12 hours, the whole system gets rejuvenated, and all of our body cells get more energy to work properly. So intermittent fasting is recommended for everyone at least once a week to witness the fitness trend of our bodies.

Treatment plan for Thyroid malfunction

We have a wide variety of treatments. We can opt for allopathic, homeopathic, or Ayurveda medicines for treatment. Among all these treatment procedures, homeopathy is the more reliable holistic approach to figuring out the thyroid malfunction. It works based on the ‘what’, ‘when’, 'how', and where’ formulas. We can see satisfactory and unbelievable result with homeopathic treatment. We do not have to take hormone-related medicines all our lives.

The treatment procedure may take time, depending on the duration of the case. However, at the end, we can see miracles happening. In most of the cases, medicine starts showing results within one month, then 3-6 months, 6–9 months, and even longer. It depends on how old the case is, how our body is responding to the medicine, and, of course, the selection of an expert homeopathic practitioner and the right choice of medicine. We will discuss a case study of Hashimoto's hypothyroidism (right nodule goiter) recovery with homeopathy treatment.

Case Study

Patient’s name: Maria Joseph

Age: 35 years

Sex: Female

Marital status: Unmarried

Educational status: B.sc Graduate

Profession: Entrepreneur (Import and export business)

Family history

Maria has three sisters and her parents in her family. Her mother has a blood sugar issue along with high cholesterol; her RA factor is positive; her liver bilirubin is high; and she has a vitamin D deficiency. She is 67 years old. Well, she has an autoimmune disorder since her RA is positive and rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. 

Her father is 80 years old, and he doesn’t have any autoimmune disorders. He just developed age-related osteoarthritis because of a vitamin D and calcium deficiency. Her eldest sister was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency and was in the pre-diabetic stage. Her second sister was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. Her third sister was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism after pregnancy. She also has a vitamin D deficiency, high cholesterol level, and is pre-diabetic. The most fascinating thing is that her son also got diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. After 17days of his birth, he has developed vitiligo, which is a strong indicator of an autoimmune disorder. So, her family history indicates that cholesterol, blood sugar, thyroid, and vitamin D deficiency are running in her family genetically. Well, autoimmune disease is also running in her family.

Patient’s relationship with family and others

She has good bonding with family. She possesses and nurtures a wonderful connection with her family. However, she had an affair with someone, and she betrayed him because of personal issues and social stigma. She was staying in another state, far away from her own hometown. As soon as she denied that person, he also left, and she pretended to be the smartest person who didn’t have any issues. She suppressed her feelings and emotions, and she never dared to think about this relationship.

How did she develop goiter issue

We would like to cite a few fascinating things behind the manifestation of her goiter issue. How did it start, and how did it recover?

Onset of cold intolerance in 2010

In 2010, she was so prone to getting a cold easily. Even simple cold air from the AC was making her get throat pain, swelling in her neck, and swelling in her lymph nodes.

Onset of cold suppression in 2011

In 2011, her body stopped responding to colds. This year, she didn’t get exposed to any colds or coughs.

Onset of Jaundice (6th March, 2013)

She was diagnosed with jaundice on March 6, 2013. She has consulted an allopath and taken medicine. She was taking lots of junk food in that period of time before diagnosing with jaundice. She had complained about:


Frequent fever

Bilirubin level reached to 5

High SGOT and SGPT (symptom of fatty liver)

Cholecystitis (inflammation of gallbladder)

Frequent vomiting even hard to digest water as well

Blood impurities

Red rashes all over body and mostly in hands

After taking proper allopathic medicine, she recovered. She was still connected with that person. She eventually betrayed that person on August 13th, 2015, and the last time she met with him was on December 31st, 2016. She made that person leave that state, and he moved on to another state.

Onset of goiter, 16th June 2016

Her goiter issue started manifesting in June 2016. She consulted with an allopathic consultant, and after examining all of her symptoms, he declared it Hashimoto's thyroidism (right sided nodular goiter). 

Her symptoms were

Back pain in left side

Right hand carpal tunnel syndrome

Peripheral edema in both side leg

Anasarca (whole body swelling)

Hair loss

Weight gain

Cold intolerance

Frequent gas

Sever fever

Pain in toe nail

Pain below thumb in palm

Pain below back of great toe



Her doctor asked her to do an ultrasound for her thyroid and a thyroid profile test. Her thyroid gland was a little enlarged, and her TSH level was 8.25. Her prolactin level was 90, whereas it should be between 7 and 22. Her vitamin D level was 12, where it should be between 30 and 99. Her anti-TPO was 211, whereas it should be between 0-34 lU/mb. She was very depressed and unhappy. As soon as the doctor prescribed her vitamin D and she started taking it, her thyroid gland started growing outside. She was very upset since she was not getting a proper response from doctors. Everyone was trying to ignore her issue.

They didn’t address her exact cause of goiter. They just provided her medicine for a cold, gas, calcium, and vitamin D. She started doing exercise and meditation on a regular basis. She could see a positive result. Then she consulted with a homeopathic consultant and continued medicine for 1.5 months. She ended up with no hope. She couldn’t trust that homeopathic consultant and stopped her treatment. After that, she started taking Ayurveda treatments.

Everyone asked her to continue both medicines together, like allopathic and Ayurveda. She could see a better result, but the medicine was too hot for her body, and it started elevating symptoms in her body. She had to stop it immediately, though it dropped her anti-TPO level to 176. She started her allopathic medicine again, and her TSH level came to 2, which was quite normal. Her T3 and T4 were always normal. She had a financial issue, and she had to stop her medicine.

She was diagnosed with the Corona virus in April 2021. She was in hectic schedule and found it difficult to handle both the situations. She thought her thyroid issue had been resolved and she had stopped taking medicine. She didn’t take medicine from January 2022 to December 2022. In January 2023, she consulted with me. I am a clinical psychologist, homeopathy practitioner, marital counselor, and spiritual healer. I took her case history and affirmed to her that she was going to cure and she can expect her life without thyroid medicine.

I asked her to believe in two things

1) Medicine is very much effective and it is going to cure her.

2) She is consulting with an expert who really knows what he/she is doing to show her 100% positive result.

Since I am not only a homeopathic practitioner but also play the role of clinical psychologist, marital counselor, and spiritual healer, I tried to figure it out from every perspective.

When I analyzed the case study in detail, I found it was totally a distinct case. I was looking for root cause and I discovered it was stress. Then I tried to look for stress, where from that stress was coming. I realized it was from that person, whom she betrayed. I asked her to inform me in details about that person. She was introvert type and she didn’t wish to give any information in details. I informed her that it was going to help in her treatment plan and recovery. Then she provided all the details. I realized even medicine won’t respond until she is in touch with that person again.

After listening to her story, I realized she was in spiritual journey. Let me give quick information about spiritual journey. Spiritual journey is a journey of self-awareness and affirmation of all positive changes we are going to learn in life time. Whoever we meet, is not co-incident. It has been already decided by universe when, where and whom we are going to meet. Mostly 3 types of relationship exist depending on our past life Karma. They are -1) Karmic relationship 2) Soul mate relationship and 3) Twin flame relationship. 

Karmic relationship

It is a spiritual relationship, where two souls are connected to each other to clear their past life unfinished karmas or works.

Soul mate relationship

It is another kind of spiritual journey, where we meet our partner who belongs to our soul. We do possess same kind of emotions, feelings and passionate bonding to achieve the goal of life. 

Twin flame journey

Twin flame journey is the transformation of highest version of soul in spiritual journey. Every human body has masculine side like strength, ego, pride and feminine side like feelings, emotions, and caring side. What happens in twin flame journey, these two souls stay in different bodies. One soul is masculine and another one is feminine. Both of them will have intense connection and if they meet to each other, they can connect to each other easily. Nobody can replace them. It is not always mandatory that masculine soul will stay in male body and feminine soul will stay in feminine body. Masculine soul may stay in female body and feminine soul may stay in female body.

Maria was in twin flame journey with Aryan, whom she betrayed. She was masculine soul in female body and he was feminine soul in male body. 

I realized that she betrayed him because of her personal issue and social stigma. When she was talking about him, she was very much happy and enthusiastic. Then I asked her to talk to her family and they may agree with her. Then I made an environment in such a way that she is in touch with him. One day she informed me, when she talks about him, she feels better. I realized I was on right track. Then she continued medicine from Jan 2023 to March 2023. She had a doubt about homeopathy medicine, since she has taken it once and ended up without any hope. I asked her to stop allopathic medicine and continue with only homeopathy. Since most of the doctors said she can take both together, she didn’t inform me and continued both together. 

She stopped taking homeopathy medicine on April 2023, when it started working on depth and all of her issues started coming in surface. She continued with only allopathic medicine from April 2023 to June 2023 and her TSH level came to 6.90. She had informed me and again she started taking homeopathy. I asked her to take only homeopathy medicine. Because if she takes two medicines together, when homeopathy works in root cause and tries to bring the issues in surface, allopathic medicine suppresses it.

As soon as she stopped allopathic medicine and continued with homeopathy Allen thyroid drops A52, her TSH level shoot out and it reached to 15 in Aug 2023.

She became nervous and anxious as well. I ensured her that medicine is working in depth and it will balance TSH level making it up and down.

Sep 2023, I added few more medicines with this A52 drop.

She followed these prescription medicines

1) Allen Thyroid drops A52= 30 drops with lukewarm water (3 times)

2) SBL Iodinum 30 (4 drops 3 times without water)

3) Medisynth Thyrodinum 30 (4 drops 3 times without water)

4) SBL Baryta Carbonicum Dilution 200 CH + SBL Calcarea Carbonica Dilution 200 CH (mixed two medicines in 1 bottle) = 2 drops 2times without water.

5) Allen Indigestion Gas and acidity drops (optional, if gas forms) = 20 drops with water, 3 times.

6) SBL stobal sugar free coughs syrup (optional, when cough is there), 2 spoons with water, 3 times.

7) SBL Hepar sulfur 30 (when mucus was little reddish, optional) = 4 drops 3 times, without water.

8) Adel 32+ Adel 48+ Adel 27+ Adel 66+ Adel 87= (mixed all together in equal portion in 1 bottle) =30 drops 3 times, with water.

9) SBL Thuja Occidentalis Dilution 30 CH (4 drops 3 times, without water).

10) Allen A47 Throat Infection Drop (optional, when throat pain is there) =20 drops with lukewarm water=3 times

11) Dr Willmar Schwabe India Salolum Dilution 1000 CH (1 drop every fixed week in a month), without water.

15 min gap to maintain in between all medicines.

Vitamins and Minerals

NUTRILITE®Cal Mag D Plus (1 tablet with water)

NUTRILITE® Vitamin D Plus (D3+K2+Quercetin & Licorice)

(1 tablet with water)

3) NUTRILITE®Salmon Omega-3 Soft gels (1 tablet with water)

4) SBL Magnesia Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6X (4 tablets to suck, no water), 3 times

5)Allen Nutraceutical Vitamin E + Wheat Germ Oil for Skin Health | Capsule (for 3 months)

6) Allen Nutraceutical Vitamins B12 with ALA, Folic Acid & Inositol | For Nervous System, Energy & RBC Production | Tablet (for 6 months)

(1 tablet with water min gap for each medicine).

She trusted me and started taking medicine with dedication. She started doing regular exercise and meditation. After 1 month’s dedication towards medicine, at last she could see the result on October on 2023. Her TSH level dropped to 5 and she was surprised to see her result. She never thought one day she would be free from this goiter. She informed me and couldn’t thank enough because she couldn’t stop her tears to flow. She continued her medicine and did exercise and meditation. Next month on Nov when she checked her Thyroid profile, her TSH level came to 4.36. She was over the moon. Again, she checked in Jan 2024, TSH level came to 4.11. She will continue medicine until TSH level reaches in 2. Since she is not married, maintaining TSH level 2 is good for her overall health. As soon as she is healing her goiter issue, all of her other body symptoms started fading up. Her weight dropped from 60 Kg to 54 Kg. Her hair fall issue got resolved. Her prolactin level dropped to 7. Slowly her thyroid gland size became normal. Her ultra sound report of uterus came normal. Cholesterol level returned back to normal. 

Here is the daily routine of Maria what she did and what she avoided to recover from goiter.

What she avoided

She had totally stopped taking junk food.

She avoided refined sugar, gluten diet, refined flour, processed food.

She had stopped sharing her health issues with others.

She had stopped taking outside foods.

Figure 1

Figure 2

What did she do

She walked for 1 hour every day.

She did yoga every day for 30 min.

She was tremendously motivated and updating her consultant with every single details.

She was dedicated towards medicine and taken medicines on time.

She was affirmative and this time she trusted consultant and it worked like magic.

She was drinking 3-4 lit water every day. It helped her to stay hydrated and to avoid UTI (urinary tract infection) issue.

She was maintaining healthy eating habit and added fruits, veggies, fiber, fish, egg and protein in diet.

She was doing acupuncture as well. When medicine started working in depth, all of her issues started coming in surface. She handled it in a proper way. Before her menstrual cycle, she started getting pain in neck and back of thumb. So, she started pressing thyroid points in her both of her back of end point of thumb in palm and in her feet below the end point of great toe.

She has taken her vitamin supplements properly.s

She did intermittent fasting in every Sunday.


In a nut shell, this case study is totally based on the biography of Maria. She didn’t develop goiter as a primary cause of physical ailment. It was completely a psycho-somatic illness. Psycho means mind and somatic means body. When our body function gets affected by mental state function, it is called psycho-somatic illness. Stress played major role in this case. As soon as she denied that person, her defense mechanism had negative effect on internal function. Almost her goiter symptom started manifesting from year 2010, but it was suppressed. This year her cold intolerance started and she was getting exposed to cold easily. It was 2011, when she had no response towards cold issue. Then in 2013, all of her internal issues started manifesting with Jaundice since she had too much junk food intake in that time period. However, still nothing had happened so serious. It was because of that person. He was still connected with her. It was 2015 August; she betrayed that person and suppressed her emotions, feelings. She had connection with him till Dec 2015.However, 31st Dec, 2023 when he left her, she started feeling depressed, loneliness and all of these manifested on Mar 2016. She started developing symptoms of goiter. Whole case study says her body started giving signal from 2010. However, it was in suppressed form. As soon as he left, her body couldn’t suppress it anymore and all of her symptoms came in surface.  We tried to explore the all-possible causes of goiter from 3 different perspectives and they are Spiritual perspective: where that person who is her divine feminine in male body and she was his divine masculine in female body. Everything started from this relationship. She betrayed and she developed all these physical symptoms of goiter. Again, he played the important role in her steady recovery of goiter. Whole case study starts with that person and ends with that person. Psychological perspective: Since she betrayed that person, she was stressed, depressed and anxious. So the stress hormone cortisol resistance had negative effect in her internal organs.Physical perspective: She tried her best to suppress all of her emotions. The moment that person left, she couldn’t resist herself anymore. Her cortisol resistance reached in its extreme level and she couldn’t suppress her from manifesting physical symptoms. She can have control in her mental state like emotions, feelings and so on. However, she cannot have any control in suppressing her physical ailments and she ended up with manifesting goiter.She tried to recover with allopathic, Ayurveda and even with homeopathy. However, so far nothing has shown satisfactory result to her goiter recovery. When she consulted with me, she was in right place. I just took her case study properly and in an effective way. So, I discussed the main cause and discussed the treatment plan. She agreed and continued medication with dedication. That person was the center of attraction and it helped her to heal her goiter with proper medication. This case study is a wonderful opportunity for us to grab the facilities of life with holistic approach of homeopathy. Anyone can witness the healthy life with support of holistic approach of homeopathy. Homeopathy can wonder us with the fragrance of just one drop of medicine and we cannot wait to see the miracle.  Homeopathy can open the new door towards a beautiful stress-free life and life with peace without any side effect. When allopathic medicine fails to promise the lifelong support of any disease and cure it permanently, holistic approach of homeopathy shows the path to work on root cause and claims permanent solution of that disease. Once someone gets cured by homeopathy, they do not have to take medicine lifelong for that particular disease. However, it doesn’t mean that we are demotivating to take allopathic or Ayurveda medicine. It depends upon the situation and the seriousness of the disease. For all kind of life-threatening diseases like cancer, AIDS, Brain tumor allopathic medicine is the best option.
