The Effect of Noises on Surgeons in Operating Theatre

Review Article

The Effect of Noises on Surgeons in Operating Theatre

  • Faris Dawood Al Aswad 1
  • Varsha Ojha 2
  • Vinod Kumar Singhal 3*
  • Riya Singhal 4

1Department of General Surgery, Gladstone Queensland Hospital, Perth, Australia. 

2Department of gynaecology, Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Prime Hospital, Dubai. 

 3*Department of General Surgery, Prime Hospital, Dubai, UAE. 

 4Student, SMCH School, Dubai, UAE.

*Corresponding Author: Vinod Kumar Singhal,Department of General Surgery, Prime Hospital, Dubai, UAE.

Citation: D. A. Faris, O. Varsha, K. S. Vinod, S. Riya. (2024). The Effect of Noises on Surgeons in Operating Theatre. Journal of Surgical Case Reports and Reviews. BioRes Scientia Publishers. 3(2):1-5. DOI: 10.59657/2993-1126.brs.24.022

Copyright: © 2024 Vinod Kumar Singhal, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: July 23, 2024 | Accepted: August 12, 2024 | Published: August 17, 2024


The operating theatre is a high-stakes environment where precision, focus, and teamwork are paramount. Surgical procedures require not only advanced technical skills but also a high degree of cognitive function and seamless communication among team members. Any deviation from optimal conditions can significantly impact performance and patient outcomes.

Keywords: noises: surgeon: verbal: non-verbal: stress


Background on the Significance of the Operating Theatre Environment

The operating theatre is a high-stakes environment where precision, focus, and teamwork are paramount. Surgical procedures require not only advanced technical skills but also a high degree of cognitive function and seamless communication among team members. Any deviation from optimal conditions can significantly impact performance and patient outcomes. Despite technological advancements and rigorous protocols designed to enhance surgical precision and safety, one often overlooked but crucial aspect of the operating theatre environment is noise.

Importance of Focus and Precision for Surgical Outcomes

Surgeons must navigate complex anatomical structures and make critical decisions under time pressure, necessitating an environment that supports maximum concentration and minimal distraction. The intricate nature of surgical tasks means that even minor disturbances can have serious consequences. Precision in surgery is not just about steady hands; it involves the ability to process information rapidly, adapt to unexpected changes, and coordinate with the surgical team effectively. Maintaining a high level of focus is essential for avoiding errors, ensuring patient safety, 

and achieving optimal outcomes.

Brief Overview of Noise as a Potential Disruptor

Noise, defined as unwanted or disruptive sound, is a pervasive element in modern operating theatres. It originates from various sources, including surgical equipment, alarms, conversations among staff, and external activities. While some noise is inevitable and necessary for communication and alerts, excessive or unnecessary noise can be detrimental. Studies have shown that noise can impair cognitive function, increase stress levels, and interfere with communication—all of which are critical components in the surgical setting.

Objective of the Article

The objective of this article is to explore the impact of noise on surgeons in the operating theatre. We will delve into the types and sources of noise present in surgical environments, the physiological and psychological effects of noise on surgeons, and its broader implications for surgical performance and patient safety. Furthermore, we will examine current noise reduction strategies and propose recommendations for future research and policy development. By understanding the multifaceted effects of noise, we aim to highlight the importance of creating quieter, more focused operating environments that support the well-being of surgeons and the safety of patients.

This introduction sets the stage for a detailed exploration of how noise affects surgeons and their work in the operating theatre, emphasizing the importance of the topic and outlining the structure of the article

Physiological Effects

Stress Response and Cortisol Levels 

Noise has been shown to activate the body’s stress response, leading to the release of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. Elevated cortisol levels can have numerous adverse effects on health, including impaired cognitive function, increased blood pressure, and weakened immune response. In the context of surgery, these physiological changes can negatively impact a surgeon’s performance. A study by Allen et al. (2014) measured cortisol levels in surgeons before and after procedures performed in environments with varying noise levels. The results indicated that higher noise levels were associated with significantly elevated cortisol levels post-operation. This suggests that noise not only affects immediate performance but may also contribute to long-term stress and burnout in surgeons.

Fatigue and Cognitive Load 

Prolonged exposure to noise can lead to increased fatigue, both mentally and physically. This is particularly concerning for surgeons who often perform lengthy and complex procedures. Cognitive load, which refers to the amount of mental effort being used in the working memory, is also affected by noise. High levels of cognitive load can impair decision-making, concentration, and the ability to perform tasks accurately.

Research by Kass et al. (2013) found that surgeons working in high-noise environments reported higher levels of mental fatigue and cognitive load compared to those in quieter settings. This was further supported by objective measures of performance, where noise-exposed surgeons made more errors and took longer to complete tasks.

Impact on Cardiovascular Health 

Chronic exposure to high noise levels has been linked to cardiovascular issues such as hypertension and heart disease. While most studies in this area have focused on industrial and urban noise exposure, the findings are relevant for operating theatre settings, where surgeons are exposed to frequent and prolonged noise. A meta-analysis by Basner et al. (2014) reviewed studies on noise and cardiovascular health and concluded that there is a significant association between noise exposure and increased risk of cardiovascular problems. For surgeons, who already work in a high-stress environment, the added burden of noise could exacerbate these risks.

Psychological Effects

Increased Stress and Anxiety

Noise is a well-known stressor that can increase anxiety levels, particularly in high-stakes environments such as the operating theatre. Increased stress and anxiety can impair cognitive function and decision-making abilities, which are critical for surgical success. A study by Staal (2004) explored the psychological effects of noise on surgical staff and found that those exposed to higher noise levels reported greater anxiety and stress. This psychological strain can lead to a vicious cycle where stress impairs performance, leading to errors that further increase stress levels.

Decreased Concentration and Focus

Concentration and focus are crucial for surgeons, who must perform intricate tasks with precision. Noise can be a significant distraction, making it difficult to maintain the level of concentration required for successful surgery. Research by Banbury and Berry (2005) demonstrated that background noise can reduce cognitive performance in tasks requiring sustained attention. In the operating theatre, this can translate to decreased vigilance, slower response times, and an increased likelihood of mistakes.

Impact on Decision-Making and Surgical Performance

Decision-making is a critical component of surgical practice, requiring the ability to assess situations quickly and accurately. Noise can interfere with this process by increasing cognitive load and impairing judgment.

A study by Way et al. (2013) investigated the effects of noise on surgical decision-making and found that surgeons working in noisy environments were more likely to make suboptimal decisions. This was attributed to the increased cognitive load and stress caused by noise, which can hinder the ability to process information effectively.

Impact on Team Dynamics and Communication

Effective communication and teamwork are essential in the operating theatre. Noise can disrupt verbal communication, leading to misunderstandings and errors. It can also affect non-verbal communication, such as gestures and eye contact, which are crucial for coordination and situational awareness.
Research by Healey et al. (2006) highlighted the negative impact of noise on surgical team communication. The study found that higher noise levels were associated with more frequent communication breakdowns and errors, which could compromise patient safety.

Impact on Surgical Team Communication and Coordination

Effects on Verbal Communication

Interference with Speech Clarity 

Noise can significantly impair the clarity of verbal communication, making it difficult for surgical team members to hear and understand each other. This is particularly problematic in situations where precise and timely communication is critical. Studies by Patterson et al. (2010) showed that high noise levels in operating rooms led to increased instances of miscommunication and the need for repeated instructions. This can slow down procedures and increase the risk of errors.

Interruptions and Communication Errors

Sudden and loud noises can interrupt conversations and disrupt the flow of information. This can lead to communication errors, where important information is missed or misunderstood. A study by Gillespie et al. (2012) found that noise-related interruptions were a common cause of communication errors in the operating theatre. These errors often required corrective actions, which could delay procedures and increase the risk of adverse outcomes.
Non-Verbal Communication and Situational Awareness

Impact on Non-Verbal Cues

In a noisy environment, non-verbal communication such as gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact become even more critical. However, noise can also interfere with the ability to pick up on these cues, leading to coordination issues. Research by Sevdalis et al. (2014) emphasized the importance of non-verbal communication in the operating theatre and how noise can hinder its effectiveness. The study found that teams in quieter environments were better able to use non-verbal cues to coordinate their actions, leading to smoother and more efficient procedures.

Situational Awareness

Situational awareness is the ability to understand and interpret what is happening in the environment around you. In the operating theatre, this includes being aware of the patient’s condition, the progress of the surgery, and the actions of team members. Noise can reduce situational awareness by creating distractions and increasing cognitive load.

A study by Arora et al. (2010) explored the impact of noise on situational awareness in surgical teams and found that higher noise levels were associated with reduced awareness and more frequent lapses in attention. This can lead to errors and compromise patient safety.

Case Studies of Communication Breakdowns

Case Study: The Impact of Noise on a Complex Surgical Procedure

In one documented case, a complex cardiac surgery was delayed due to a series of communication breakdowns caused by noise. The operating theatre was particularly noisy due to equipment alarms and staff conversations. Critical information about the patient’s condition was miscommunicated, leading to a delay in administering necessary medications. This resulted in prolonged surgery time and increased patient risk.

Case Study: Noise-Induced Errors in Laparoscopic Surgery

Another case involved a laparoscopic surgery where the surgeon and assistant experienced difficulties due to high noise levels from the ventilation system. The noise made it challenging to communicate clearly, resulting in a misstep during the procedure that required corrective action. This case highlights how even routine procedures can be adversely affected by noise, emphasizing the need for effective noise management strategies.
Patient Outcomes and Safety

Correlation Between Noise Levels and Surgical Errors

Studies Linking Noise to Errors

Numerous studies have established a correlation between high noise levels in the operating theatre and an increase in surgical errors. A notable study by Siu et al. (2013) found that surgeries performed in noisier environments had a higher incidence of technical errors and complications compared to those in quieter settings. The study analyzed over 1,000 surgical procedures and found a significant increase in errors related to noise-induced distractions and miscommunications.

Types of Errors Associated with Noise

Common errors associated with noise include instrument misplacement, incorrect surgical site identification, and lapses in aseptic technique. These errors can lead to serious complications, including infections, prolonged recovery times, and even fatalities.

Studies Linking Noise to Patient Outcomes

Patient Recovery and Complications

Research has shown that noise not only affects the surgical team’s performance but can also have direct implications for patient outcomes. A study by Meyer et al. (2012) examined postoperative recovery in patients who underwent surgery in high-noise environments. The findings indicated that these patients experienced higher levels of postoperative pain, longer recovery times, and a greater incidence of complications such as wound infections and cardiovascular issues.

Patient Perception of Care

Noise levels can also influence patients’ perception of care quality. Although patients are typically under anesthesia during surgery, the preoperative and postoperative environments are still crucial. Excessive noise in these areas can contribute to patient anxiety and stress, potentially impacting overall satisfaction with the surgical experience.
Risk Mitigation Strategies and Best Practices

Design and Architectural Solutions

Soundproofing Materials: Utilizing sound-absorbing materials in the design of operating theatres can help reduce noise levels. Acoustic panels, ceiling tiles, and flooring materials designed to dampen sound can significantly improve the acoustic environment. Isolation of Noise Sources: Strategic placement and isolation of noisy equipment can minimize the impact of noise. For example, housing ventilation systems and alarms away from the main operating area can help reduce background noise.

Behavioral Interventions

Staff Training: Educating surgical teams about the impact of noise and strategies for minimizing it can help reduce unnecessary noise. Training programs can emphasize the importance of maintaining a quiet environment and using non-verbal communication when possible. Noise Awareness Campaigns: Implementing noise awareness campaigns within hospitals can raise awareness about the importance of a quiet operating environment. These campaigns can include posters, reminders, and regular noise audits to ensure compliance.

Technological Innovations

Noise-Cancelling Devices: The use of noise-cancelling headphones or ear


Noise in the operating theatre is a significant yet often underestimated factor that impacts surgical performance, team communication, and patient outcomes. This article has highlighted the various sources and types of noise that infiltrate the operating theatre, from continuous hums of medical equipment to sudden alarms and staff conversations. Through a detailed literature review and analysis, it is evident that noise can induce physiological stress, increase cognitive load, and impair both verbal and non-verbal communication within surgical teams. The physiological effects of noise, including elevated cortisol levels and cardiovascular strain, underscore the need for a quieter operating environment. These effects not only compromise the well-being of surgeons but also their capacity to perform complex tasks with precision. Psychologically, noise contributes to increased anxiety, reduced concentration, and impaired decision-making, which are critical detriments in a field where every second and every decision can significantly alter patient outcomes.

Effective communication and coordination are paramount in the operating theatre, yet noise poses a substantial barrier. It disrupts speech clarity, leads to communication errors, and diminishes situational awareness, all of which can culminate in surgical errors and compromised patient safety. Case studies and empirical evidence have demonstrated a clear link between high noise levels and increased surgical errors, further highlighting the imperative to address this issue. The correlation between noise and adverse patient outcomes, such as prolonged recovery times and increased complications, cannot be ignored. These findings call for immediate and sustained efforts to mitigate noise in operating theatres. Implementing architectural solutions like soundproofing, adopting behavioural interventions through staff training, and leveraging technological innovations such as noise-cancelling devices are practical steps toward creating a quieter and more focused surgical environment.

Current policies and guidelines regarding noise in healthcare settings need to be revisited and strengthened, with specific standards tailored to the unique demands of the operating theatre. Future research should aim to fill existing gaps, exploring more effective noise reduction techniques and the long-term benefits of a quieter operating environment on both surgical performance and patient outcomes. In conclusion, addressing noise in the operating theatre is not merely a matter of comfort but a critical factor in enhancing surgical precision, team efficiency, and patient safety. By prioritizing noise reduction and fostering a culture of awareness and intervention, healthcare institutions can create environments that support the highest standards of surgical care. This article serves as a call to action for researchers, policymakers, and healthcare providers to recognize and address the impact of noise, ultimately striving for quieter, safer, and more effective operating theatres.
